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鞭打的英文翻译 鞭打英文怎幺说 鞭打的英文例句



[biān dǎ]

    to whip
    to lash
    to flog

whip [wip; (-) hwip]

    n.鞭子,车夫 v.鞭打,抽打,突然移动

lash [læʃ]

    n.鞭子,鞭打,睫毛,责駡,讽刺 vt.鞭打,摆动,扎捆,冲击,煽动,讽刺 vi.猛击,急速甩动


狠狠地打…一顿;鞭打To give a thorough beating to; thrash.那次你鞭打和侮辱了还是你马房男孩的我?The times you shamed and flogged me as your stable boy?如果你骑一那种事物,最糟糕的是你将被会被严厉的鞭打。If you rode one of those things the least you'd get would be severe whiplash.随着鞭打的动作移动。Move with a thrashing motion.他被鞭打三十下。He was given30lashes of the whip.他不可能受得住一顿鞭打。He could not possibly have endured a whipping.他们掠夺我们,淩辱我们,鞭打我们,杀戮我们;但是,我们有时也还有一点自尊心。They plunder us outrage us beat us kill us; but we have a little pride left sometimes.他因鞭打症而受着苦。He is suffering from whiplash.他住了手,不去鞭打他的马了。He stopped slashing his horse.她绝不会鞭打她的孩子。She would never thrash her children.通过鞭打来强烈的驱使。Violently urging on by whipping or flogging.我看见他在鞭打他车前联套在一起的骡子。I saw him whipping his team of mules.我们胡图人永远不会忘记对我们的鞭打?We hutu will we ever forget the whipping?应该狠狠地给他一顿鞭打。What he needs is a good whipping!


为...而遭鞭打 whip for

无情的鞭打 knock the living daylights out of

给无情地鞭打 knock hell out of

轻轻鞭打 touch up

鞭打 flagellate; lash; stripe; scourage; whip; switch; flagellation; jacketing; lashing

鞭打伤 whiplash injury

鞭打使前进 whip on

鞭打刑 flogging

鞭打快跑 whip up

