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便车的英文翻译 便车英文怎幺说 便车的英文例句



[biàn chē]

    to hitchhike

hitchhike [hitʃhaik]

    vi.搭便车 vt.要求(搭便车)


我们被带到切克沙镇监狱。我一遍遍抗议说我仅仅是个搭便车的旅行者。We were taken to the chickasha jail over my repeated protests that I was just a hitchhiker.我们一边开车,一边观赏风景。前面更远处,我们经过了一个要求搭便车的旅行者We drove along admiring the view.farther along we passed a hitchhiker.我们在巴黎搭上便车后,根本没想到会最终到达雅典。When we accepted that lift in paris we never expected to land up in athens.我有个朋友搭便车周游了美国。I have a friend who hitch-hike across america.小孩跷家大都搭便车或公车Weii kids they either hitchhike or they take a bus.由于反倾销具有正外部性,中国很多企业“搭便车”,造成反倾销的负数和博弈。The positive externality of antidumping and "free ride" of enterprise lead to the negative-sum game.在这个地区要求免费搭便车有点冒险。Hitch-hiking's a bit dicey in this area.在这个区域搭便车是有一点靠不住的。Hitchhiking's a bit dicey in this area.制度供给与地方政府“搭便车”Institutional supply and local governments '"free riding"萨拜因将她那辆小型轻便车停下来。Sabine pulled up in her little runabout.我们一路搭便车来到萨克拉门托。We hitched all the way to sacramento.


搭便车 thumb a lift; thumb a ride

