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鼻音的英文翻译 鼻音英文怎幺说 鼻音的英文例句



[bí yīn]

    nasal sound

nasal [neiz(ә)l]

    adj.鼻的,鼻音的,护鼻的 n.鼻音,鼻音字

sound [saund]

    n.声音,语音,噪音,吵闹,海峡,听力範围,探条 adj.健全的,可靠的,合理的,有效彻底的,健康的 adv.彻底地,充分地 vi.发出声音,迴响,测深,听起来 vt.使发声,宣告,听诊,测...深,试探


那个身穿鲜豔上装的人,带着鼻音在向招待员埋怨。The man in the blazer was complaining nasally to the steward.使成为鼻音或产生鼻音To make nasal or produce nasal sounds.他讲话声音不大,略带新英格兰味道的鼻音,还有一股子沉着自信。He speaks quietly with a slightly nasal new england twang and with a calm self-assurance.他说话鼻音很重。His voice is very nasal.他听出是赫比•钱德勒的低沉而带有鼻音的声调。He recognized the flat nasal voice of herbie chandler.她声音里带有一点澳大利亚鼻音。Her voice had a slight australian twang.她说话鼻音很重。She speaks with a real twang.我认为你听起来太多鼻音I thought you sounded nasally.一种鼻音化母音语音,比如法国鼻母音An orinasal speech sound such as a french nasal vowel.用鼻音读一个词或词根Nasalize a word or a root这些42种犬科动物将鼻音讲他们的表达方式!Software description: about dapper dogs these42canines will snuffle their way into your heart!


带鼻音的说话 speak through our nose; spoke through their nose; spoken through our nose

开放性鼻音 open rhinolalia

混合性鼻音 mixed rhinolalia

闭塞性鼻音 closed rhinolalia

