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笔友的英文翻译 笔友英文怎幺说 笔友的英文例句



[bǐ yǒu]

    pen pal

pen [pen]

    n.钢笔,围栏,围圈,作家 vt.写,关入栏中

pal [pæl]

    n.好朋友,伙伴,同志;vi.结为朋友;Phase Alternating Line,PAL制式(逐行倒相制式)


斯科特,女童军才会有笔友的Scotty girl scouts have pen pals.millie收到了她美国笔友来的一封关于万圣节的信。Millie received a letter about halloween from her penfriend in the usa.建立笔友会是为了促进友谊。The penfriend society has been set up for the purpose of promoting friendship.今天去红叶宾馆见我的笔友。Today I went to see my penfriend in hongye hotel.你的笔友从哪里来?Where is your pen pal from?那是你的新笔友吗?Is that your new pen pal?亭亭给美国的笔友写了一封信。Tingting writes a letter to her pen-friend in the usa.我的笔友来自澳大利亚。My pen pal is from australia.我的笔友是美国人。My pen pal is an american.我的笔友在英国。My pen pal lives in england.我想找个英语笔友。I want to find an english pen-friend.我已经大约半年没接到我笔友的消息了。I have not received any message from my penfriend for almost half an year.在那时罗伯特正忙于给笔友写信。类似的情况还有Robert was busy writing a letter to his penfriend at that time.这是我的笔友玛利亚。This is my pen pal maria.

