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比热的英文翻译 比热英文怎幺说 比热的英文例句



[bǐ rè]

    specific heat

specific [spi'sifik]

    n.特效药,细节 adj.详细而精确的,明确的,特殊的,特效的,[生物]种的

heat [hi:t]

    n.热,热度,热烈,高潮,压力 vi.加热,激昂,发热,发怒 vt.把...加热,使激动 [军] High Explosive-Anti-Tank,破甲弹


由于海水的比热大,海水温度是逐渐缓慢地变化的。Marine temperatures change gradually because of the high heat capacity of water.讨论了多电子相互作用参量对比热的影响。The effect of parameter of electrons interaction on the specific heat isdiscussed.温带一定比热带凉快啊。The temperate zone should be cooler than the tropical zone.


土壤比热 soil specific heat

定体积比热 specific heat at constant volume

定压比热 specific heat at constant pressure

定容比热 n. specific heat at constant volume

容积比热 volumetric specific heat

常压比热 n. specific heat at constant pressure

常容比热 n. specific heat at constant volume

比热 specific heat

比热容 heat absorption capacity; specific heat

海水比热 n. specific heat of sea water

海水的比热 n. specific heat of sea water

血比热 specific heat of blood

