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nose [nәuz]

    n.鼻,(飞机、船等的)前端 v.侦察出


他有条狗,一闻到别人的鼻烟就抽筋Owns a dog that has a fit when it sniffs a snuff-box.一个有雀斑的塌鼻男孩;。A pug-nosed boy with freckles; a snub-nosed automatic.一个纸团飞过来打在校长的鼻子上。A spitball hit the principal on his nose.一名身躯高大、鼻子上长着瘊子的妇人。A large woman with a wart on her nose.一种鼻音化母音语音,比如法国鼻母音An orinasal speech sound such as a french nasal vowel.众所周知,西格蒙特佛洛德是精神分析学的鼻祖。Sigmund freud is known as the father of psychoanalysis.


上鼻甲 superior concha

上鼻道 superior nasal meatussuperior nasal meatus

下鼻甲 inferior concha

下鼻道 inferior nasal meatusinferior nasal meatus

中鼻甲 middle concha

中鼻道 middle nasal meatusmiddle nasal meatus

中鼻道前房 atrium of middle meatus

二裂鼻 bifid nose又称"鼻裂"。

人工鼻 artificial nose又称"假鼻"。

人造鼻 artificial nose

从鼻中吸入 snuff up

伦内鼻侧阶梯 R nne nasal step

促鼻液剂 errhine

光导纤维鼻窦镜 fiber optic sinoscope

光纤鼻咽镜 fiber optic nasopharyngoscope

光纤鼻镜 fiber optic rhinoscope

全鼻再造术 total nose reconstruction

全鼻型 holorhinal

全鼻窦切除术 pansinusectomy

全鼻窦炎 pansinusitis

内侧鼻突 median nasal prominence, median nasal process

内分泌失调性鼻炎 dyscrinic rhinitis

内鼻孔 internal naris, choana

前鼻孔闭锁 atresia of anterior naris

前鼻镜检查法 anterior rhinoscopy

化脓性鼻炎 purulent rhinitis, suppurative rhinitis

化脓性鼻窦炎 purulent sinusitis

千柏鼻炎片 rhinitis tablet of climbing groundsel and spikemoss

半鼻再造术 hemirhinoplasty

单纯性鼻炎 simple rhinitis

