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奔跑的英文翻译 奔跑英文怎幺说 奔跑的英文例句




    to run

run [rʌn]

    n.跑,赛跑,奔跑,运转,趋向 vi.跑,奔,逃跑,竞选,跑步,蔓延,进行,行驶 vt.使跑,参赛,追究,使流,管理,运行,开动 adj.熔化的,融化的,浇铸的 vbl.run的过去式和过去分词


其它四足动物的快速奔跑。A fast running motion of other quadrupeds.所以,我奔跑不像无定向的;我斗拳不像打空气的。26therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.他喜欢在雨中奔跑。He likes to run in the rain.他以之字形的路线奔跑。He ran in a zigzag pattern.同时西班牙人否认了雷诺在负重奔跑。The spaniard also denied renault were sandbagging.为了躲催泪瓦斯而奔跑... Dashing from tear gas.我发现4步可以赶上大部分的落地球。更多的步子时你就是在奔跑中击球了。I've found that4steps reaches most groundstroke situations.more steps and you're hitting on-the-run.一只喜欢奔跑的无畏的小母驴A gamy little mare that loved to run.应在绿草原奔跑的草原松鸡The prairie chicken adapted for running on the green grassy prairie在附近奔跑??你的伴侣是一个非常狂野的人。Running about-your partner is a wild type person.在花园里绕着圈蹦蹦跳跳奔跑一阵。A little scamper round the garden这就是我奔跑的目标And that is what I'm running to.这匹骏马在广阔的草原上奔跑腾跃。The steed ran and pranced on the prairie.


匆忙奔跑 tantivy

奔跑 chase about; chase around

奔跑着进入 charge into

急促奔跑 scuttle away; scuttle off; scuttle out

