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本年的英文翻译 本年英文怎幺说 本年的英文例句




    this year;this year; in this year

year [jiә(r)]



我谨向本年度各位得奖者衷心致贺。I warmly congratulate the winners of this year's awards.这样会改善本年度的利润状况。This will improve our profit picture for the current year.管理预算是否已经计画到本周、本月和本年?Has the operation been on budget week to date month to date and year to date?图1。1本年报内提及的测风站及潮汐测量站之分布地点。Figure1.1locations of anemometers and tide gauge stations mentioned in this publication.这是本年度最保守的陈述了That's the understatement of the year.


在本年内 hoc anno

投资返本年限法 payout time; payout period

本年,本年度 anne courante; this year; current year

本年上期总损益 total profit and loss for the first period of this year

本年农作物一般品质 average quality of the prevailing harvest

本年初到目前为止的 year to date

本年到期 current maturity

本年到期,本年到期的债务 current maturity

本年到期的长期债务 current maturity of long-term debt

本年制 current year basis

本年度 current year

本年度农作物一般品质 average quality of the protection harvest

本年度利润 profit for the current year

本年度截至现在为止 year to date; yeartodate

本年度折旧 depreciation of the year

本年度收入 current annual revenue

本年度税收 current year''s tax levy

本年度纯利 net profit for the year

本年成本 current year cost

本年盈余 surplus for the year

本年盈余,本年盈利 surplus for the year

本年累积产量 accumulated quantity of production for current year

本年纯利 net profit current year

本年纯益 net profit for the current year; net profit current year

美国在本年度预算未通过前先按上年度预算数支出的提案或决议 continuing resolution

