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崩溃的英文翻译 崩溃英文怎幺说 崩溃的英文例句




    to collapse
    to crumble
    to fall apart

collapse [kә'læps]

    n.倒塌,崩溃,失败,虚脱 vi.倒塌,崩溃,瓦解,失败,病倒

crumble [krʌmb(ә)l]

    v.弄碎,粉碎,崩溃 n.麵包屑


相形之下,伊蒂丝?华顿的社会却在崩溃之中。By contrast society for edith wharton is a collapsing affair.摇晃的椅子散架了。作战俘多年,他崩溃了The rickety chair fell apart.he fell apart after years as a pow.一个个国家消失了,一代代王朝崩溃了,但村社却存留了下来。States had disappeared dynasties crumbled but the village community had persisted.在数年的战俘生活之后他崩溃了。He fell apart after years as a pow.这一度十分健全的经济现已崩溃。The once robust economy now lies in ruins.住院的aj在后街最后的巡迴中彻底地崩溃了。Resident bad boy aj mclean had a very public breakdown at the end of the last backstreet tour.


使...免遭崩溃 keep something in its feet

使...崩溃 brought to the ground

使崩溃 bring to the ground

崩溃 break up; disintegration; go to bits

崩溃了的 gone to grass

崩溃点 break down point

市场崩溃 crash

平均未崩溃时间 mean time to crash, MTTC

热崩溃 thermal runaway

社会秩序崩溃 social disorganization

种群崩溃 population crash

经济崩溃 economic bust; economic disintegration

经济崩溃,经济破产 economic bust

逐渐崩溃 crumble away

