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被誉为的英文翻译 被誉为英文怎幺说 被誉为的英文例句




    to be regarded as
    to be known as
    to be famed as

as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)


作为一位非常仁慈而有远见的领袖,在他死后,林肯被誉为是一位传奇人物和民族英雄。A humane far-sighted statesman in his lifetime he became a legend and a folk hero after his death.被誉为英国的莫泊桑的毛姆是英国文坛上颇有争议性的一个作家。The english maupassant maugham is a controversial author in british literary history.然而最近,专家们提出这艘一度被誉为海上奇迹的远洋客轮正在逐渐解体。But now experts say the ocean liner once a wonder of the high seas is falling to pieces.他被誉为公司命运的拯救者。He was regarded as the saviour of the company's fortunes.他曾被誉为思想家。He was called a thinker.巍峨的库克山,被誉为“云霄之钻”,是澳大拉西亚地区最高的山峰,高3755米。The mighty mt cook known as the "cloud piercer" is the highest peak in australasia at3755m.植物四宝,味美可口,被誉为当代御膳。Four treasure of vegetables is so delicious as to be praised as imperial food of present age.

