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    surname Ben

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ben [ben]



贲门失弛缓症气囊扩张对食管动力近期和中期的影响。The short-and long-term effect of balloon dilatation on esophageal motility in achalasia.贲门粘膜撕裂综合征,Mucosal tear syndrome of the cardia方法分析46例高龄食管癌贲门癌患者住院临床资料。Methods46case of elderly patients with esophageal and cardia cancer were analysed.膈上发现部分贲门。A portion of the cardia is demonstrated above the diaphragm.主持:华贲教授,华南理工大学,Chairman: prof.hua ben south china university of technology此处有一肌肉环即贲门括约肌围绕着食道。A ring of muscle the cardiac sphincter surrounds the esophagus at this point.结论:精神心理因素可诱发、加重贲门失弛缓症患者的症状。Conclusions: psycho-mental factors can induce and worsen achalasia symptoms.


改良的黑勒贲门肌切开术 modified Heller operation

贲门 cardia

贲门切迹 cardiac incisure

贲门成形术 cardioplasty

贲门测位器 cardiameter

贲门淋巴环 lymphatic ring of cardia, cardiac lymph ring不恒定。

贲门瓣 cardiac valve=oesophageal valve)贲门瓣

贲门肌切开术 cardiomyotomy

贲门腺 cardiac gland

贲门部 cardiac region

食管贲门腺 esophageal cardiac gland

黑勒贲门肌切开术 Heller operation, Heller cardiomyotomy

