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    stock;keep by

stock [stɔk]

    n.树干,库存,股票,股份,託盘,祖先,血统,原料 adj.股票的,普通的,常备的,存货的,繁殖用的 vt.装把手于,进货,备有,放牧 vi.出新芽,採购

keep [ki:p]

    n.保持,保养,生计,监狱,[史]要塞 vt.保持,保存,遵守,经营,看守,拘留,维持,记(日记,帐等) vi.保持,继续不断


天津澳泰暖通设备有限公司。Tianjin at heating ventilating equipment co. ltd.碗橱架上备有听装水果。The cupboard shelves were stocked with tinned fruit.纬线感应装置在喷嘴的前面配备有电子感应装置,可以自动检测纬线的供应。The weft detector in the front of nozzle can supervise weft supple duly.我家里常备有蜡烛,以防断电。I always keep candles in the house in case there is a power cut.我租用录影带的那家录影带商店,备有片名1500个。The video shop I use stocks1500titles.这家新百货商店备有品种繁多的商品。This new department store offers a large variety of goods for sale.浙江省里安惠康暖通设备有限公司。Ruianhuikang heating ventilating equipment co. ltd.住宿设备有些简陋,但是大多数人似乎并不介意。The accommodation was a bit rough and ready but most people didn't seem to mind.


準备有第二个办法 have two strings to one''s bow

备有 am in store; are in store; in stock; is in store; was in store; were in store

备有...供 offer for

备有许多 have a good supply of

备有证明文件的 documented

备有近爆引信的 proximity fused

装备有 were provided with

贮备有 keep in store

身边经常备有 keep about; keep around

配备有 equipped with

