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悲伤的英文翻译 悲伤英文怎幺说 悲伤的英文例句





sad [sæd]


sorrowful [sɔrәuful]



我们应同情他的悲伤。We must respect his sorrow.我无法摆脱这种悲伤的情绪。I can't throw off this feeling of sadness.演奏一支悲伤的歌曲…Strike up a sad song...一个纯洁的洗衣少女的悲伤故事The unhappy tale of a virginal laundry lass一个人问他们他的悲伤遭遇,他在孤儿院中度过了他贫困的童年。They heard sob-stuff from one man about his deprived childhood in an institution.一只悲伤的狗害怕祖父的夏威夷夹克衫。A sad dog fears grandpa's hawaiian jacket.抑制悲伤,炸裂心脏。Grief pent up will burst the heart.这里有过她的罪孽,这里有过她的悲伤,这里也还会有她的忏悔。Here had been her sin; here her sorrow; and here was yet to be her penitence.这是个悲伤,难过,让人噁心的景象。It was a sad and sorry and sickening sight.这是个悲伤,难过,让人噁心的夜晚!It was a sad and sorry and sickening night!


为...而悲伤 bleed for

为...而感到悲伤 sorrow over

悲伤 be down in spirits; feel down in spirits

极为悲伤 ate her heart out; ate his heart out; ate my heart out; ate our hearts out; ate their hearts out; ate your hearts out; eat her heart out; eat his heart out; eat my heart out; eat our heart out; eat their heart out; eat your heart out

由于悲伤而憔悴 ate her heart out; ate his heart out; ate my heart out; ate our hearts out; ate their hearts out; ate your hearts out; eat her heart out; eat his heart out; eat my heart out; eat our heart out; eat their heart out; eat your heart out

