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背离的英文翻译 背离英文怎幺说 背离的英文例句




    deviate from
    depart from

deviate [di:vieit]

    vi.背离,偏离 v.偏离

depart [di'pa:t]

    vi.离开,起程,不按照,逝世 adj.过去的,逝世的


允许这些变化意味着背离传统。To allow these changes would be a significant departure from tradition.在这种情况下,我们不能背离一般的作法。We cannot depart from our regular practice in such cases.这块在船上得铁引起罗盘磁鍼的背离。The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the compass.背离浪漫主义的作风家Composers who reacted against romanticism.背离与某种可接受的政治策略或党派的路线背道而驰。Divergencefrom an accepted political policy or party line.从根本上就背离了自然Is fundamentally at odds with the natural world.而且那事件的悲伤色调愈浓,人们也就愈难以背离那块地方。And still the more irresistibly the darker the tinge that saddens it.我们有什幺地方背离了常规呢?Where did we go off the track?这种背离在图表上通常会产生锯齿。This divergence generates most of the whipsaw in a price chart.


价格背离价值 price strays from value; difference in price and value; variance of price from value; price differs from value; divergence between price and value; gap between price and value

合理背离条款 reasonable departure clause

社会主义的价格与价值背离 deviation of prices of products from its value under socialism

背离 depart from; derogate from; lapse; derogation; departure

背离一般公认的标準 departure from generally accepted standards

背离价值 prices show) variance from their value; prices) depart fromvalue; variance between prices and value

背离条款 deviate from the clause

背离规则 departure from these rules遇到特殊情况为了避免紧迫危险可以背离避碰规则。

