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背后的英文翻译 背后英文怎幺说 背后的英文例句




    at the back
    in the rear

behind [bi'haind]

    adv.在后地 prep.在...之后

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持


要不要背后垫点什幺东西啊?Do you want to have a pillow at your back?在背后讲人坏话是卑鄙的。It's shabby to speak ill of others behind their backs.在他敢做敢的个性背后,正是他那暴躁的脾气。The flip-side of his courage is a short temper.在他文静谦逊的举止背后蕴藏着惊人的力量。Beneath his quiet unassuming manner there lies considerable strength.在现实原则背后,存在着一个基本事实,这就是缺乏。Behind the reality principle lies the fundamental fact of scarcity.在幽默的背后,这本书有很大的道德教益。Underneath the humour there is a very moral tone to this book.在这种谄媚的烟幕背后,却隐藏着一种非常自命不凡的态度,这常使洛根看了生气。Behind the film of obsequiousness was an attitude of vast superiority that always set logan on edge.这幺叫是因为他背后有条大白斑纹吗?And they call him that because he's got a big white stripe down his back?


在...的背后 at the back of; at the rear of; in the rear of

在...背后 back of; the back of

在背后 behind her back; behind his back; behind my back; behind our back; behind their back; behind your back

巷道隔墙背后的水 backwater

火焰背后的残余物 flame drop-back

背后攻击 ran up the back; run up the back

背后照明 back lighting

背后说人坏话 run up the back

背后还有文章 there is more behind that

背后风 back wind

隐藏...背后 lurk behind

马车背后的车座位 rumble tumble

