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北极圈的英文翻译 北极圈英文怎幺说 北极圈的英文例句



[běijí quān]

    Arctic Circle

arctic [a:ktik]

    adj.北极的,北极区的 n.北极,北极圈

circle [sә:k(ә)l]

    n.圆周,圆形物,派系,迴圈 v.围,环绕 盘旋


我曾在北极圈里追蹤过北极熊I once tracked a polar bearacross the arctic tundra.我在北极圈气象巡逻队工作,巡视mackenzie海湾I fly the arctic weather patrol flights out of mackenzie bay.在北极圈,国界以南或者洛矶山以西找黄金。In the land of the midnight sun south of the border or west of the rockies.在北极圈及北回归线之间的地方In the lands between the arctic circle and the tropics在这接近北极圈的北部Here in the far north close to the arctic circle北极圈内的一片辽阔而没有树木的平原,位于冰帽和林木线之间。A vast treeless plain in the arctic regions between the ice cap and the tree line.位于北极圈内曾令人难以捉摸的西北航道的可能终于揭开自己的神秘面纱。The ever elusive northwest passage may be revealing itself in the arctic.一次北极圈远征证明,巨大的在水中的山範围是一个俄国的部份,官员说。An arctic expedition proves that a vast underwater mountain range is a part of russia officials say.有些燕鸥在北极圈更北的地区筑巢。Some terns nest well north of the arctic circle.


北极圈 Arctic Circle; Arctic circle; arctic circle; north polar circle

