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备案的英文翻译 备案英文怎幺说 备案的英文例句




    to put on record
    to file

put [put]

    vt.放,摆,安置,表达,迫使,移动,提出,赋予 vi.出发,航行,发芽,击 n.掷,投击,笨蛋,怪人 vbl.put的过去式和过去分词 adj.固定不动的

record [rekɔ:d; (-) 'rekәrd]

    n.履历,档案,诉状,最高纪录,报告,唱片 vt.记录,标明,将...录音 vi.录音,被录音 adj.创纪录的

file [fail]

    n.档,档案,资料夹,卷宗,锉刀 vt.把...归档,提出(申请等),锉,琢磨 vi.列队行进,用锉刀锉


网站易语网在律盾网中注册,并已在律盾网会员资料库中备案。The website e-oral has been registered in law shield and put on record on its member database.网站中华经济网在律盾网中注册,并已在律盾网会员资料库中备案。The website cew has been registered in law shield and put on record on its member database.网站重庆市南岸区公证处在律盾网中注册,并已在律盾网会员资料库中备案。The website nan an has been registered in law shield and put on record on its member database.


备案 production of a joint venture shall) be filed with the authorities concerned); put on record; for the record; for reference

备案事项 matter of record

履行备案手续 have to be registered with the agency approving the venture

微生物备案 deposit of microorganisms

报主管部门备案 shall be filed with the department in charge

报国家外资部门备案 filing with the state authority in charge of foreign investment

报请主管单位备案或审批 submit plans to the authorities in charge ofregistration or approval

海关备案 customs files; customs record

海关备案号 serial number of customs record

智慧财产权证书海关保护备案 file keeping of certificates for intellectual property rights by the customs for protection purposes

续展备案 filing of renewals

