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杯状的英文翻译 杯状英文怎幺说 杯状的英文例句



[bēi zhuàng]

    shape of cup

shape [ʃeip]

    n.外形,形状,形态,(尤指女子的)体形,身段,形式 vt.製作,定形,使成形,塑造,使符合 vi.成形,形成,成长

cup [kʌp]

    n.杯子,酒杯,奖盃 vt.使成杯状,为...拔火罐


一种作为奖品或优胜纪念品的装饰性杯状器皿。A decorative cup-shaped vessel awarded as a prize or trophy.用已分好类别的杯状风速计进行风速测量。Wind speed measurements shall be made with a cup classified anemometer.右手托杯状物举于胸前。Bees filled the waxen cups with honey; he wore a jock strap with a metal cup; the cup of her bra.指用来与大腿骨的顶部连接的、杯状的关节窝。Of the cup-shaped socket that receives the head of the thigh bone.子囊盘,裸子器某些地衣和子囊菌的盘状或杯状子囊孢子A disk-shaped or cup-shaped ascocarp of some lichens and the fungi ascomycetes.蜡烛熄灭器一长杆上的一小金属锥状物或杯状物,用于熄灭蜡烛;蜡烛熄灭器A small metal cone or cup on a long handle used for snuffing out candles; a snuffer.小松糕一种甜的杯状速烤小麵包,通常要在温热时食用A small cup-shaped quick bread often sweetened and usually served warm.


杯状体 goblet杯状体

杯状子宫托 cup pessary

杯状孢囊基 calyculus

杯状断口 cup fracture

杯状耳 cup ear

杯状聚伞花序 cyathium

