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背信的英文翻译 背信英文怎幺说 背信的英文例句



[bèi xìn]

    to break faith

break [breik]

    n.休息,暂停,破裂,突变 v.打破,违犯,折断,削弱,超过,突变

faith [feiθ]



报纸谴责反叛的下院议员背信弃义。The newspapers have branded the rebel mp disloyal.朝鲜对中国的背信弃义到1984年为止North korean defection through china was possible as of1984.你说的那些背信弃义的话是很刻毒险恶的。Your perfidious gossip is malicious and dangerous.希特勒德国于6月22日对我们的祖国发动背信弃义的武装攻击,目前攻击还在继续进行。The perfidious military attack on our fatherland begun on22june by hitler's germany is continuing.信和背信永不能均衡匹敌;Faith and unfaith can ne'er be equal powers:一事背信就是万事乏义。Unfaith in aught is want of faith in all.因为这种背信的行为而取得胜利To get away with this treachery.这个人的背信弃义难道永远没有止境吗?Would the man's perfidy never reach a limit?


受託人背信 breach of trust

对开的背对背信用证,对开信用证 countervailing letter of credit; back-to-back letter of credit; reciprocal letter of credit; back-to-back credit; counter letter of credit

背信 breach of trust

背信弃义 perfidy

背信弃义的战争手段 perfidious means of warfare; treacherous war means

背信弃义行为 act of perfidy; breach of faith

背信罪 breach of trust

背信者 betrayer

背对背信用证 back-to-back letter of credit; contra credit; countervailing credit; overriding credit

