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备忘的英文翻译 备忘英文怎幺说 备忘的英文例句



[bèi wàng]


memorandum [memә'rændәm]



备忘录是关于什幺内容的?What's the subject of the memorandum?管制撞击式打桩工程噪音技术备忘录,Technical memorandum on noise from percussive piling你看到那个备忘录了吗?Did you see that memo?七大洋上的象牙备忘录The greatest ivorytickier onthe seven seas.然后内幕备忘录来了。Then came the leaked memo.他们刚刚邮了一份备忘录They just posted a memorandum.我能换备忘录吗?Can I exchange memo book?这是他备忘录的第一章Wayne: that's the first chapter of his memoir.


上诉备忘录 memorandum of appeal

业务备忘录 engagement memorandum

中日备忘录贸易 China-Japan memorandum on trade

保险备忘录 insurance memorandum

信息备忘录 placement memorandum

信贷备忘录 credit memorandum

列入事项日程备忘录 tickler file

到期备忘卷宗 tickler file

募集备忘录,募集资金备忘录 placement memorandum

协定备忘录 memorandum of agreement

协议备忘录 agreed memorandum; memorandum of agreement

网际网路工程备忘录 Internet engineering note, IEN

备忘价值,备忘录价格 memorandum value

备忘分类帐 memorandum ledger

备忘帐单 memorandum bill

备忘录 memorandum; memo

备忘录价格 memorandum value

备忘录制度 tickler system

备忘录贸易 memorandum trade

备忘支票 memorandum check

备忘条款 memorandum clause

备忘栏法 memorandum column method

审计备忘录 audit memorandum

审计摘要备忘录 audit summary memorandum

工程维修备忘录 engineering service memo

布拉格备忘录 Prague Memorandum

廖承志高崎达之助备忘录 1962) Liao Chengzhi -- Tatsunosuke Takasaki Memorandum

情况备忘录 information memorandum

查帐备忘录 audit memorandum

法官备忘录 bench memo

