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保证的英文翻译 保证英文怎幺说 保证的英文例句




    to guarantee
    to ensure

guarantee [gærәn'ti:]

    n.保证,保证书,担保,抵押品 vt.保证,担保


一旦出了问题,基金就是我们的安全保证。The fund is our safety net if anything should go wrong.一种用来保证王室桅杆安全的转帆索。A brace to secure the royal mast.专业的人员保证了服务的专业性。Experienced professionals bring along professional service.


一般义务债券,一般责任保证 general obligation bonds

一般保证 general guaranty; general warranty

一般责任保证 general obligation bond

上诉付费保证书 appeal bond

不保证 without guarantee; sans garantie SG)

不保证商品没有瑕疵 with all faults

不动产抵押保证,不动产抵押担保品,不动产抵押品 real securities

不可撤销的保证书 irrevocable letter of guarantee

不足额保证 deficiency guarantee

不附带条件的保证 unconditional guaranty

与支票联用的保证卡 cheque guaranteed card

专利保证书 patent cover

专项保证金存款 specific guarantee deposit

严格保证 strict guaranty

个人付款保证 personal bond

个人保证保险 personal guarantee insurance

个人保证借款 loan on personal guarantee

个别保证 individual guarantee

中止执行保证 supersedeas bond

临时保证债务 contingent debt

为...付保证金 margin

为保证资金流动性而作的安排 liquidity arrangements

为外国来往行保证承兑票据产生的或有负债 contingent liability on acceptances purchased for foreign correspondents

书面保证 written guarantee

买主支付能力的保证 del credere

买主资力保证代理人 del credere agent

买方信贷担保,买方信用保证 buyer''s credit guarantee

买方所有权保证 guarantee of title

互相保证 mutual guarantee

互相保证条约 mutual guarantee treaty

