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保温的英文翻译 保温英文怎幺说 保温的英文例句




    to keep hot
    heat preservation

keep [ki:p]

    n.保持,保养,生计,监狱,[史]要塞 vt.保持,保存,遵守,经营,看守,拘留,维持,记(日记,帐等) vi.保持,继续不断

hot [hɔt]

    adj.热的,热情的,辣的,激动的,紧迫的,节奏强的 adv.热,热切的,紧迫地

heat [hi:t]

    n.热,热度,热烈,高潮,压力 vi.加热,激昂,发热,发怒 vt.把...加热,使激动 [军] High Explosive-Anti-Tank,破甲弹

preservation [prizә'veiʃ(ә)n]



墙壁用绵羊羊毛夹在短棒中间来保温。The walls were insulated with sheep wools that are placed between wooden batons.石膏材料业务部生产石膏板,石膏及石膏製品,隔音保温材料,天花板及配件。The gypsum division makes plasterboard plaster and plaster products insulation and ceiling products.他看起来比较像个保温瓶,而不是硬碟Lt looked more like a thermos than a hard drive.我的保温瓶里有点提神的酒I had a little pick-me-up in my thermos.


保温 thermal insulation

保温冷藏车 reefer car

保温加热器 muff heater

保温取样器 insulation sampler

保温台 n. steam table

保温套 muff

保温层 insulation layer

保温帽 hot top

保温性能 insulating property

保温挂车 thermal insulated trailer

保温损耗 standby loss, standing loss

保温时间 soaking time

保温材料 thermal-protection material

保温杯 vacuum cup

保温板 warming plate

保温水桶 heat insulating bucket

保温汽车 insulated lorry

保温涂层 insulating coating

保温温度 holding temperature

保温炉 holding furnace

保温炉排 canopy hood

保温瓶 thermo-flask vacuum flask

保温瓶架 pot rack

保温用具 thermal protective aid

保温的 insulated

保温管道 hot oil line

保温箱 thermal container

保温纤维 insulation fibre

保温能力试验 test of ability to keep warm

保温蜡烛 warmer candle

