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薄片的英文翻译 薄片英文怎幺说 薄片的英文例句




    thin slice
    thin section

thin [θin]

    adj.薄的,细的,瘦的,稀少的,稀疏的,(液体、气体)稀薄的,淡的,空洞的 vt.使变薄,使变细,使稀少,使淡 vi.变薄,变细,稀少,变淡 adv.薄地,稀疏地,微弱地 n.细小部分

slice [slais]

    n.薄片,切片,一份,部分,片段 v.切(片)

section [sekʃ(ә)n]



使效果迅速的切成薄片的肥皂。Soap that has been cut into flakes to make suds faster.她从帕尔马乾酪上切下一些薄片做沙拉。She shaved off some slices of parmesan cheese for the salad.我认为需要观察薄片才能确定岩性。I think it is necessary to do a thin section analysis to determine the lithology.现在人们能够生产一种硅晶薄片。Now people can produce a wafer silicon.向日葵的块茎,可生吃,也可煮熟吃,或切成薄片后油炸,象撒拉托加炸片一样。Sunflower tuber eaten raw or boiled or sliced thin and fried as saratoga chips.一种透明的塑胶薄片。A very thin transparent sheet of plastic.用刀子把一个球切成很薄的薄片。Hit a ball with a slice.油酥脆饼是一种鬆脆的小甜点;鬆脆的薄片馅饼皮。Shortbread is a short crumbly cookie; a short flaky pie crust.


乙酸纤维素薄片 acetyl cellulose sheet

土壤薄片 thin section of soil用合成树脂或天然树脂将原状土样浸渍固化后製备成厚约0.03mm的薄片,供偏光显微镜观察土壤微形态特徵。

密封薄片电容器 encapsulated chip capacitor

岩石薄片鑒定 rock slice identification利用偏光显微镜对岩石薄片进行矿物成分及其光学特性的测定。

快门薄片 shutter blade

木薯薄片 cassava slice manioc slice

鬆脆花生薄片糖 brittle

树脂小薄片砂轮 small thin resin bond wheel

潜水下薄片水翼艇 n. submerged-foil hydrofoil

磨钢丝针专用薄片砂轮 disc wheel for steel wire needle sharpening

薄片 sheeting

薄片式热交换器 plate exchanger

薄片玻璃 thin sheet glass

薄片砂轮 disc wheel sheet wheel

薄片筛检程式 fin filter

钽薄片电容器 tantalum chip capacitor

长条薄片刨花 strand

鲸脂薄片 n. lipper

