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报名的英文翻译 报名英文怎幺说 报名的英文例句




    to sign up
    to enter one's name
    to apply

sign [sain]

    n.标记,符号,记号,徵兆,迹象,徵候 v.签名(于),署名(于)~,签署

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

enter [entә(r)]

    vt.进入,加入,参加,登录,开始 vi.进去,[戏]登场,参加 n.输入,[计]回车

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

name [neim]

    n.名字,名称,姓名,名誉 vt.命名,提名,叫出,指定 adj.姓名的,据以取名的


报名费不予以退还。The application fee is not refundable.本报名表複印有效。The reprography of this form can be used.二、办理技能检定报名暨资格审查、收费等事宜。2.managing Skills certification sign-up qualification checking and charging matters.考试通过后再交报名费!Registration fee can be paid after pass the test!两星期前报名,每位46500元。For reserving before two weeks from the sailing date the price is46500dollars per person.你报名参加了吗?Did you sign up for the class?托儿所报名已满,所以院长把我们孩子的名字登记在等待入所的名单。The nursery school enrollment was complete so the director put our child's name on the waiting list.我到哪里去报名参加呢?Where do I go to sign up for that tour?我们应该自动报名从军。We should sign up as volunteers.我想报名读这门课。I'd like to sign up for this course.我想你应该报名参加Well I think you should sign up for it.有多少人报名参加这门课程?How many people sign up for this course.


报名 put down for

报名参加 put his name down for

报名参加竞选 file for

