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包含的英文翻译 包含英文怎幺说 包含的英文例句




    to contain
    to embody
    to include

contain [kәn'tein]

    vt.包含,容纳,容忍 vi.自製 v.[军]牵制(敌军) v.[数]可被...除尽

embody [im'bɔdi]



下列远端登入名包含非7位元ascii字元。The following remote login names contain non7-bit ascii characters.图元资料包含gdi颜色。The pixel data contains gdi colors.也不能被任何别的可证实的方面包含。And nor is it contained by any other verifiable aspect of the statement.一个旅行代理人是资料库包含了飞行,票价,乘客意见和时间表。A travel agent is database contains flights fares passenger reservations and schedules.以上房间价格包含免费来往展馆的穿梭巴士服务。Room rates are inclusive of free shuttle service.元素可以包含递迴元素。Elements can contain recursive elements.元素名不能包含空格。Element names cannot contain spaces.作为产生结果的必要条件包含着;逻辑用语。Involve as a necessary condition of consequence; in logic.


上限包含 upper limit inclusive

互相包含的 implicative of each other

包含 cntn; comprisal; connote; cover; immanency; involvement; throw in; throwin

包含一切的 allin

包含与互斥公式 inclusion exclusion formula

包含体 inclusion body包涵体,包理体

包含体病毒 occluded virus包理病毒

包含关係 containing relation

包含内容多的 comprehensive

包含出口包装费 including export packing

包含函子 inclusion functor

包含外部正文 inclusion of external text

包含手续费的价格 price including commission

包含结构 poikilitic texture

微分包含 differential inclusion

非包含体病毒 noninclusion virus非包涵体病毒,非包理性病毒

