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报仇的英文翻译 报仇英文怎幺说 报仇的英文例句




    to revenge (oneself)
    to avenge

revenge [ri'vendʒ]

    n.报仇,复仇 vt.替...报仇,复仇

oneself [wʌn'self]


avenge [ә'vendʒ]



他们残酷地为死者报仇。They revenged their dead cruelly.为你的家人报仇,一定可以的Do it foryour family and so I can be in the sequel.我在等待时机,报仇的时刻就要到了。I bide my time and the hour of vengeance is nigh.再后来就是古德龙为她的几个弟兄报仇。Next follows gudrun's revenge for the death of her brothers;在今天发生炸弹袭击的地方,愤怒的青年高喊要报仇雪恨。At the scene of today's bombing angry young men called for revenge and retaliation.办公事?不过显然不是来报仇的,该死的。你那张死脸也不配报仇。Bob: though obviously not for revenge mon. You've hardly got the face for that.等着瞧吧!〔我就要报仇雪耻了〕。Thou shalt see me at philippi.理查的目的是报仇。Richard is here for revenge.难道你不想报仇?Do you not want vengeance?他将为人民向压迫者报仇。He will avenge the people on their oppressor.为艾力克报仇也救不活他Avenging alec trevelyan will not bring him back.我会为我父亲报仇Only l'll be revenged most throughly for my father.


为...报仇 avenge on

向...报仇 be avenged on; be revenged on; have revenge on; pour out vials of wrath on; pour out vials of wrath upon; revenge herself on; revenge himself on; revenge myself on; revenge ourselves on; revenge themselves on; revenge yourself on

对...进行报仇 avenge of

报仇 avenge; revenge; take vengeance on; wreak vengence on; requital; retaliation; revenge

替...报仇 revenge on

