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包住的英文翻译 包住英文怎幺说 包住的英文例句



[bāo zhù]

    to envelop
    to wrap
    to enclose

envelop [in'velәp]

    vt.包封,遮盖,包围 n.包裹,封,包围,信封

wrap [ræp]

    n.外套,围巾,包裹,秘密,约束,限制 vt.包装,卷,缠绕,包,覆盖,裹,遮蔽,隐藏 vi.缠绕,重叠,穿外衣,包起来


脑壳,头颅包住大脑的头骨部分;颅骨The part of the skull that encloses the brain; the cranium.内稃一种包住花的禾木科小穗上的苞片A small chafflike bract enclosing the flower of a grass.我们用白的和蓝的绉纸包住它们,这样它们看上去就很漂亮。We put white and blue crepe paper round them so they looked rather pretty.因此,即使是包吃包住,工资也不能低于最低工资标準。Accordingly even if the bag eats encase salary also cannot under minimum wage standard.用织物带包住阀套以免损坏。Mask the valve sheath with fabric tape to avoid damage.当海豚快速游动时,“水罩”包住了它的身体,和它的身体同时移动。When the dolphin swimming fast "water shield" covered its body while the body and its movement.曲柄轴箱在往复式发动机内将曲柄轴和相关部件包住的金属箱子The metal case enclosing the crankshaft and associated parts in a reciprocating engine.甚至可以包住类似“蒙特卡罗”饼乾一样大小的东西He could wrap the entire thing around a monte cario biscuit.证人席被强化的玻璃包住。The witness box was encased in strong glass.


包住 envelop in

