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暴跳的英文翻译 暴跳英文怎幺说 暴跳的英文例句



[bào tiào]

    rampage;rear up;rear;jump;flounce

rampage [ræmpeidʒ]

    n.乱闹,暴跳 vi.发怒,乱闹,狂暴

rear [riә(r)]

    n.后面,背后,后方,屁股 adj.后面的,背面的,后方的 vt.培养,饲养,举起,树立,栽种 vi.高耸,暴跳,用后腿站起

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

jump [dʒʌmp]

    n.跳跃,上涨,惊跳 vt.跳跃,跃过,突升,使跳跃 vi.跳跃,暴涨


他气得暴跳如雷He leapt up and down in sheer outrage.他在房子里暴跳如雷,乱摔东西。He stormed about the house, breaking things.他勃然大怒,暴跳如雷。He exploded with rage.她的话惹得他对她暴跳如雷。Her remarks were like a red rag to a bull: he was furious with her.她暴跳如雷。She was in violent temper."威廉先生拒绝接受他朋友的劝告,暴跳如雷地离开了办公室。"Mr Williams refused his friend's advice and flounced out of the office.据爱说长道短的人说爱德先生肯定是暴跳如雷。According to the gossip mr.ede is absolutely furious.这位将军,一个从不会顺从或忍耐的人,变得暴跳如雷The general a man by no means notable for docility and long-suffering flew into a rage.“怒吼暴跳式的复仇”'a Roaring rampage of revenge.''公牛暴跳起来用角顶伤斗牛士The bull rears up and gores them.你应该很生气,暴跳如雷Get angry! Be outraged!任那恼怒的大风在它结实的屋顶上暴跳如雷;How did the vexed wind chafe and roar about its stalwart roof;威廉•艾伦•怀特说:“中西部再次暴跳起来。”"The midwest" said william allen white "is on the rampage again."


暴跳 rear up

