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保税仓库的英文翻译 保税仓库英文怎幺说 保税仓库的英文例句



[bǎo shuì cāngkù]

    bonded warehouse

bonded [bɔndid]


warehouse [weәhaus]

    n.仓库,货栈,大商店 vt.贮入仓库,[经]以他人名义购进(股票)


华东保税仓库是您理想的选择!Huadong bonded warehouse is ideal choice for all customers.青岛市公共保税仓库有限公司。Qingdao public bonded warehouse co. ltd.与保税仓库联繫,掌握进、出库相关事宜;Cooperate with bonded warehouse holding any information of the goods in and out.


专用保税仓库 private bonded warehouse

从保税仓库取出货物他运之货单 bill of victualing

保税,保税仓库交货 in bond IB)

保税仓库 bonded warehouse

保税仓库,保税关栈 bonded warehouse; bonded store; licensed warehouse; customswarehouse

保税仓库交货价 in-bond price

保税仓库交货条件 in bond terms

保税仓库内交货 in bond

保税仓库栈单 bonded warehouse warranty

保税仓库申请书 application for bonded warehouses

保税仓库登记证书 registration certificate at the bonded warehouse

保税仓库货物 goods in bonded warehouses

公共保税仓库 public bonded warehouse

存入保税仓库 place in bond

存入保税仓库,存入关栈 bonding; bond; place in bond

存放保税仓库命令 general order

海关保税仓库 bonded warehouse

由保税仓库中提出 take out of bond

申请从保税仓库内取出样品 application for taking out samples of goods in bond

私有保税仓库 private customs warehouse

进口加工保税仓库 inward processing warehouse

