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扮演的英文翻译 扮演英文怎幺说 扮演的英文例句




    to play the role of
    to act

play [plei],比赛,运动,赌博,剧本 v.玩,扮演,播放,进行比赛 v.播放

role [rәul]


act [ækt]

    n.幕,法案,法令,动作,举动,节目,(戏剧的)幕 vi.行动,产生...的效果,担当,表演,假装,表现,见效 vt.扮演,装作


她在绍兴折子戏中扮演红楼梦的林黛玉。She played the role of lin daiyu in a shaoxing adaptation of dream of the red chamber.她在影片中扮演一位困癌症而濒死的女人,展现了迷人的演技。She gave a mesmeric performance in the film as a woman dying from cancer.默剧演员在默剧中扮演角色或演出的人One who acts or plays in a pantomime.伊蒂丝•埃文斯是王政复辟时期的喜剧皇后,她扮演的米莱曼特之类的角色,谁也无法相比。The queen of restoration comedy was edith evans.nobody could touch her in parts like millamant.因为这些品质,龙被赋予扮演司阴府之神欧斯里斯和嵌入到埃及人神话里面的角色。Because of these qualities dragons assumed the roles taken by osiris and set in egyptian mythology.在情感发展中成熟扮演极重要角色。Maturation plays a large role in emotional development.在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie.作为一个演员、歌手和魔术师,她从三个方面都够资格扮演这个角色As an actor a singer and a juggler she was triply qualified for the role.


作为替身扮演角色 doubel for

在...中扮演重要角色 play an important role in

巧妙地扮演角色 play her prize; play his prize; play my prize; play our prize; play their prize; play your prize

扮演 impersonate

扮演...角色 do duty; figure as; play the part of

角色扮演 role play

