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班上的英文翻译 班上英文怎幺说 班上的英文例句




    in the group

group [gru:p]

    n.团体,组,团,群,批,[地]界,[化]基 v.聚合,成群


班上的每一个家伙都认为自己爱上了那个小骚货。Every guy in class thinks he's in love with that little tart.贾玛律在他的班上是尖子,内蒂Jamal is top honors in his class nettie.您需要买一些免税物品吗?今天航班上的物品品种繁多。Would you like to buy some duty-free goods? We have a wide selection on board today.诺曼的图画无疑是班上最好的。Norman's drawing is without question the best in the class.他在班上功课顶尖,并以最优等的成绩于1996年毕业。He gained top honors eventually graduating summa cum laude in1996.他在我们班上负责月票。He is in charge of monthly ticket in our class.它最初出现于哈佛大学的一个研讨班上。It grew out of a seminar first given at harvard.我们班上一些同学喜欢流行音乐,另一些喜欢摇滚乐。Some classmates in my class like pop music others like rock-and-roll.在学校我总是跟班上的同学合不来。I was always the odd man out in my class at school.最近在我执教的一个成人班级里,我干了一件“不可饶恕的”事情。我居然给班上的学生布置了一份家庭作业!In a class I teach for adults I recently did the "unpardonable." I gave the class homework!

