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半空的英文翻译 半空英文怎幺说 半空的英文例句





midair [.mid'eә(r)]



老鹰在半空中盘旋,準备俯冲。The hawk poised in mid-air ready to swoop.两架飞机在半空中相撞。The two airplanes collided with each other in the midair.两架飞机在半空中相撞了。The planes collided in midair.鸟在半空中捕食昆虫。The bird caught the insects in mid-air.伞兵在跳下飞机后,在半空中打开了降落伞。The paratrooper opened the parachute in mid air after he had jumped out of the plane.他看起来似乎悬浮在半空中。He seemed to be suspended in mid-air.他在半空中旋转身体,双脚离开了轨道。He spun around in midair so feet were pointing away from the rail.我们现在是悬在半空中啊?Are we suspended in midair?一个气球悬浮在半空中。A balloon was suspended in mid air.在半空中把我托住,使我安全地返回地面。Catches me in midair and places me safely on the ground.在原本的计画中,直升机会在半空中拦截创世纪号的降落伞。The original retrieval plan had called for a helicopter to snag genesis's parachute in midair.


半空中 in mid air

半空心铆钉 semi-tubular rivet

半空白键 half space key

半空间 half space; halfspace

大扁圆头半空心铆钉 truss head semi-tubular rived

封闭半空间 closed half space

平锥头半空心铆钉 cone head semi-tubular rived

开放半空间 open half spaces

弹性半空间理论 elastic half-spce theory

扁圆头半空心铆钉 oval head semi-tubular rivet

扁平头半空心铆钉 thin head semi-tubular rivet

支撑半空间 support half space

椭圆头半空心铆钉 oval head socket shank rivet

沉头半空心铆钉 countersunk head semi-tubular rivet

