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班长的英文翻译 班长英文怎幺说 班长的英文例句




    class monitor
    squad leader
    team leader

class [kla:s; (-) klæs]

    n.班级,阶级,社会等级,种类,(一节)课 vt.把...分类(或分等级)

monitor [mɔnitә(r)]

    n.班长,监听器,监视器,监控器 vt.监控 v.监控

squad [skwɔd]


leader [li:dә(r)]

    n.领导者,社论 n.[计]前导字元 n.[机]导杆

team [ti:m]



班长应该在最前线。The squad leader should be in the forefront.班主任让我当班长。My headteacher made me a monitor.大家一致喜欢汤姆当班长。Tom was the hands-down favorite for president of the class.老师让班长分发试卷。The teacher had the monitor hand out the papers.每次答话都要说“是,班长”And always answer every question with "yes drill sergeant."班长分配我们去为即将来临的耶诞节晚会做準备工作。The monitor assigned us to make preparations for the upcoming christmas'party.被任命为班长的时候,新学年非常成功地开始了新的一页。The school year started off with a bang when I was named class president.对班长的选举全票通过。A unanimous vote for class captain.老师说班长务必把这一资讯通知到所有的学生。The teacher said the monitor would see to it that all the students got the message.我们选他作班长。We elected him our monitor.我是西布鲁克林预备学校两学期班的班长Two-term class president at westbrook prep.许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。Many students were absent notably the monitor.


作业班班长 squad boss

拖拉机班班长 cat boss; tractor boss

水罐车班班长 tanker boss

灭火作业班班长 crew boss; straw boss; supervisor

炊事班长 n. chief steward

班长 platoon commander

班长台 chief operator''s desk

班长 job foreman; foreman; leading hand; team leader

锯工班班长 saw boss; power saw boss

