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板条的英文翻译 板条英文怎幺说 板条的英文例句



[bǎn tiáo]


lath [la:θ; (-) læθ]



有人在板条箱上贴了标籤。Someone has sticked a label on the crate.用空板条箱权充桌子Using an empty crate as a makeshift for a table用空板条箱权充桌子。Use an empty crate as a makeshift for a table.由板条所造的东西Work made with or from lath.更换导风板条的橡皮塞。Replace rubber stops for air deflector slat.木箱有交错重叠的板条,它们使雨漏不进来,但空气和一些光线却可透进来。The wooden box has overlapping slats that keep the rain out but allow in air and some light.用板条做椅子的靠背Slatting the back of a chair.用塑化材把板条上的裂缝填塞起来。Plug up any cracks in the penel with plastic wood.用塑化木材把板条上所有裂缝填塞起来。Plug up any cracks in the panel with plastic wood.


全部板条金属床 full panel metal bed

垂直板条 n. sheering batten

抹灰板条 lath

抹灰板条墙 battened wall

支拱板条 lagging

木地板条 wooden floor chip

木甲板板条 deck plank

板条 lath

板条坐架 n. batten seat

板条平顶 board ceiling

板条抹灰吊顶 lath and plaster ceiling

板条斧 lathing hatchet

板条椅 n. sparred seat

板条箱 crate

板条箱,板纸箱 crate; skeleton case

板条结构 n. battening arrangement

板条钉 lath nail

板条马氏体 lath martensite

横板条 waling piece

灰板条 lath

用板条覆盖 lath

用箱纸板箱、板条箱装 packed in cases

疏板条箱 crate

硬木板条 hardwood strip

立式板条箱抓紧器 vertical crate grab

舱口板条 n. hatch batten

装载甲板条款 on deck clause

车辆板条货柜 car crates

透明板条 n. sheering batten

金属板条 metal lath

