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拌和的英文翻译 拌和英文怎幺说 拌和的英文例句



[bàn hé]

    to mix and stir
    to blend

mix [miks]

    v.使混和,混淆,混合 n.混合

stir [stә:(r)]

    n.轰动,搅动,监牢 vt.动,移动,摇动,激起,搅和,惹起 vi.走动,传播,流行

blend [blend]

    vt.混和 n.混和


混凝土拌和必须採用除尘设施。Concrete mixer must be equipped with dust catcher.将鸡蛋黄和糖拌和。Mix egg yolk and sugar.施工营地、混凝土拌和等必须採用除尘设施。The dust elimination facilities must be selected for construction camp concrete mixing etc.灰土拌和、混凝土拌和加工会产生扬尘和粉尘。Spodosol mixing and concrete mixing and processing will produce fugitive dust and dust.将各种配料拌和做成蛋糕。To mix the ingredients for the cake.


倾卸式拌和机 tipping through mixer

倾斜式拌和器 tilted mixer

倾斜式拌和机 tilting mixer

倾筒式分批拌和机 tilting drum batch mixer

倾筒式混凝土拌和机 tilting drum concrete mixer

分批拌和机 batch blender

分批拌和的 batch type

加热拌和机 heater mixer

动力拌和机 power mixer

单程拌和机 single-pass mixer

单转轴拌和机 single-rotor mixer

单轴式拌和机 single-shaft mixer

压缩空气式拌和机 compressed-air mixer

双动拌和器 double motion mixer

双动桨叶式拌和机 double motion paddle mixer

双槽式拌和机 double-trough type mixer

双辊拌和机 double roller mixer

叶片拌和机 blade paddle mixer

土拌和机 soil mixing plant

土砂拌和机 clay and sand mixer

在运输过程中拌和 mix en route

多刀拌和刮路机 multiple blade mixing drag

多叶式拌和机 multiple-pin mixer

多行程转轴式拌和机 multiple-pass rotary mixer

多转轴拌和机 multiple-rotor mixer

对流式拌和 counterflow mixing

对流式拌和机 counter-current mixer

就地拌和 mix in place

就地拌和机 on-site mixer

就地拌和的 mixed in place

