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白费的英文翻译 白费英文怎幺说 白费的英文例句





waste [weist]

    n.废物,浪费,损耗,消耗,地面风化物,垃圾,荒地 adj.废弃的,荒芜的,多余的 vt.浪费,消耗,使荒芜 vi.被浪费,挥霍钱财,变消瘦,被损耗


因为访问取消了,一切準备工作都白费了。All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled.他企图贿赂老师让他过关却白费心机。He tried in vain to get to the teacher to pass the test.大夏天推销大衣真是白费力气。Trying to sell overcoats in midsummer is a real mug's game.或者是我又一次的白费口舌?Or am I wasting my breath again?路子不对等于白费劲儿。A wrong approach means a waste of effort.你是在白费力气。You are flogging a dead horse.我想让她高兴起来,但是白费力气。I tried to chuff her up in vain.我只想留下一段尽职尽责的生命历程这样我一生的努力就不会白费。I just wan't to leave a committed life behind.then my living will not be in vain.鲍勃使员警的搜寻白费心机。Bob led the police on a wild-goose chase.斯托千方百计想使他的企业免于失败,但白费力气。Stowe tried every means to pull his business through but all in vain.这条河没有鳟鱼,在这儿钓是白费劲。It's no use fishing for trout in this river; there are none left.


白费 chuck away on; in vain

白费力气 beat the air; beaten the air; bit on granite; bitten on granite; bring coals to newcastle; brought coals to newcastle; carried coals to newcastle; carry coals to newcastle; flogged a dead horse; held a candle to the sun; number sands

白费力的事 bad job

白费劲 beat one''s head against a wall

白费口舌 cast pearls before swine

白费唇舌 whistle down the wind

白费时间 kick one''s heels

白费气力 pour water into a sieve; shoe the gosling

