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白白的英文翻译 白白英文怎幺说 白白的英文例句




    in vain
    to no purpose
    for nothing

vain [vein]


no [nәu]

    n.否定,投反对票者 adj.没有,不许,反对 adv.不,并不,毫不 [域] Norway ,挪威

purpose [pә:pәs]

    n.目的,意图,用途,效果,决心,意志 vt.打算,企图,决心

nothing [nʌθiŋ]

    n.无,不关紧要之事,[数]零 adv.毫不,决不 int.什幺也没有,无


我不能让我的人白白送死I can't afford to have my men slaughted in a full frontal attack.我参加的镜头太重要了,不可能在剪辑室里剪下来扔到地板上去,让乌尔茨白白给我工钱。My scenes are too important to be left on the cutting-room floor just for woltz to pay me off.这笔钱有白白被浪费掉的危险。There is a danger that the money will simply be wasted.“如今我又吃不着奶了,白白的养着祖宗作什幺!”"I don't need a wet-nurse any more why should I keep an ancestress like this?"你是在白白浪费时间。You're wasting your time.漂白白色尼龙衣物时应使用十分温和的漂色剂。Use very mild bleach to whiten white nylon.是什幺让seti的科学家确信他们不是在白白浪费时间?What makes scientists at seti certain they are not wasting their time?


一下子白白浪费掉了 be whisked out the window

明明白白 as plain as the nose on one''s face; stick out a mile

明明白白地 right down

明明白白的事实 naked truth

明明白白的事情 truism

白白地 for nothing

白白地被浪费掉 gone down the drain; went down the drain

