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白种的英文翻译 白种英文怎幺说 白种的英文例句



[bái zhǒng]

    the white race

white [wait; (-) hwait]

    n.白色,蛋白,白种人 adj.白(色)的,白种人的

race [reis]

    n.种族,种族气质,种族特徵,赛跑,急流,姜根 vi.赛跑,疾走 vt.与...赛跑,使空转


这个是白种混球杰克。And this is cracker jack.白种人对黑人民主权利进程不利的抵抗。Backlash by white racists against black civil rights advances.白种人对隶属于他们的非白种人的假定的责任。The supposed responsibility of the white race to take of their non-white subjects.北欧人在纳粹用语中,指非犹太教徒的白种人,尤指北欧人In nazism a caucasian gentile especially of nordic type.必须要向全体白种人复仇。Had to take out his vengeance on the entire white race.查一下“白种优越论”团体的名单Or watch lists for white supremacy groups据报导,黑人个体比白种人个体有较高的血管加压素水準。Black individuals have been reported to have higher vasopressin levels than white individuals.然后我们就能让白种人实事求是地考虑And then we go to get the white race to start thinking straight.有一个白种男子正徒步往北行走。We've a white male on foot heading north toward cedar farm junction.中国人非白种人是黄种人。Chinese is non-white and yellow race.

