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摆布的英文翻译 摆布英文怎幺说 摆布的英文例句




    to order about
    to manipulate

order [ɔ:dә(r)]

    n.次序,顺序,正常(工作)状态,秩序,会议规则,命令,定购,定单 vt.命令,定购,定制

about [ә'baut]


manipulate [mә'nipjuleit]

    vt.(熟练地)操作,使用(机器等),操纵(人或市价、市场),利用,应付,假造 vt.(熟练地)操作,巧妙地处理


别任凭他摆布你。Don't let him bulldoze you.不能再让怨恨摆布我们了!Do not make the hate grow!乔治一生都听从妻子的摆布。George has been in his wife's leading strings all his life.她任意摆布那个小伙子。She twists the young man around her little finger.我突然变成宿命论的信徒了,甘心听任命运的摆布。I suddenly became fatalistic resigning myself to the inevitable.一名外国记者既是他的题材的解释者又受到他的题材的摆布。A foreign correspondent is both an interpreter and a victim of his subject matter.别让他摆布你!Don't let him push you around!而另一些人则听任生活的摆布,不去与生活抗争。Others get angry and push back.路透社不摆布新闻图片。Reuters does not stage news photos.没有人可以对他肆意摆布。Nobody can push him around.萨德伯里先生,我希望你没有听任我们旅游业的摆布而受苦受累吧。I hope you haven't been left to the tender mercies of our tourist industry mr sudbury.他开始玩弄心计摆布别人。He began to push people around intellectually.


任凭...摆布 left to the tender mercy of

任由...摆布 be left to the tender mercy of

商品储存在地区之间的摆布 regional arrangement and distribution in commodity stock

商品储存在批发和零售环节之间接的摆布 arrangement and distribution between wholesale and retail links in commodity stock

商品储存在部门之间的摆布 departmental arrangement and distribution in commodity stock

摆布 lead by the nose; led by the nose; push about; push around

