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白炽的英文翻译 白炽英文怎幺说 白炽的英文例句



[bái chì]

    white heat

white [wait; (-) hwait]

    n.白色,蛋白,白种人 adj.白(色)的,白种人的

heat [hi:t]

    n.热,热度,热烈,高潮,压力 vi.加热,激昂,发热,发怒 vt.把...加热,使激动 [军] High Explosive-Anti-Tank,破甲弹

incandescence [.inkæn'desәns]



仅仅接通电话线即可发出相当于15瓦白炽灯的光亮!It can illuminate like15w incandescence bulb just connect to the telephone line.细丝导致阴极白炽化…The filament causes the cathode to become incandescent...萤光灯泡比白炽灯泡要省电。Fluorescent light bulbs are more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs.在右侧的渲染中,同样的纹理只在白炽通道上贴图。In the render on the right the same texture was mapped to just the incandescence channel.白炽电灯的关键部分是灯泡里的钨丝。The vital part of the incandescent electric lamp is the tungsten wire inside the bulb.路边草从中传来牧场百灵的叫声,除此之外,在八月白炽的阳光下没有任何动静。A meadowlark called from the roadside grass.nothing else moved in the white sun of august.


充气白炽灯 gas-filled incandescent lamp

小功率白炽灯 inky

煤气灯的白炽罩 gas mantle

照相放大用白炽灯泡 photographic enlarge lamp bulb

白炽光 brilliant white; identificaton light

白炽弧光灯 incandescent arc lamp

白炽显示 incandescent display

白炽灯 incandescent lamp

白炽灯丝 bright emitter

白炽灯丝电子管 bright emitter

白炽灯泡 incandescent bulb

白炽灯稳压器 lamp voltage regulator

白炽电灯 incandescent electric lamp

白炽的 incandescent

真空白炽灯 vacuum incandescent lamp vacuum filament lamp

真空白炽灯泡 vacuum incandescent bulb

钨丝白炽灯 incandescent tungsten filament lamp

