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傲自的英文翻译 傲自英文怎幺说 傲自的英文例句



[ào zì]


pride [praid]

    n.自豪,自尊(心),骄傲,傲慢 vt.使自豪,使自夸

overbearing [әuvә'beәriŋ]



无所作为和骄傲自满的论点都是错误的。Ideas of inertia and complacency他的致命伤就是骄傲自大。His Achilles' heel was his pride.别去理睬他那副高傲自大的虚伪模样;他是最近才暴发的。Don't take any notice of his false air of importance. He's just jumped-up.高傲自大的人;可怜虫A cold fish; a poor fish.骄傲自负的“上帝的选民”Proud arrogant''chosen ones ''.骄傲自满是团结的大敌_ngConceit and complacency are the archenemy of unity他也许骄傲自满,不懂礼貌,自以为是或愚昧荒唐,He may be conceited illmannered fatuous.我并不为自己的成就而骄傲自满,但它对我却是一种鞭策。I am not conceited about my achievement but I am spurred on by it.我丝毫不同情骄傲自满的人,因为我认为他们随时可以自我安慰。I've never any pity for conceited people because I think they carry their comfort about with them.自负骄傲自大;心满意足或狂喜To swell with pride; gloat or exult.heyward至今念念不忘那个有波士顿社交名流出席的婚礼,每每想起,很是骄傲自豪。The wedding which heyward still remember with pride was attended by a who's whoof boston society.傲慢的;自负的;他骄傲自大。Too big for his britches; had a swelled head; he was swelled with pride.他们讨厌那个高傲自满的家伙。They hated that conceited self-satisfied creature.


别那幺骄傲自大 came off her high horse; came off her perch; came off his perch; came off my high horse; came off my perch; came off our high horses; came off our perches; came off their high horses; came off their perches; came off your high horse

骄傲自大 arrogancy; high stomach

骄傲自大的人 high hat

