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    palladium (chemistry)

palladium [pә'leidiәm]


chemistry [kemistri]



除非你已经搞到几克钯了Well unless you've got a few grams of palladium lying around.等等。铂和钯哪一个更稳定?Wait platinum or palladium is less resistant?他们用了铂和钯的合金They use a ratio of platinum and palladium.吸着的油量;钯中夹杂的大量的氢。The sorbed oil mass; large volumes of occluded hydrogen in palladium.硝酯钯由硝酸钠或硝酸钾组成的化肥Fertilizer consisting of sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate.由光催化沈积可在半导体载体上製备超薄钯膜。An ultrathin pd film is synthesized on semiconductor support by photocatalytic method.在分析中用作钯或镍的沉澱剂的化合物。A compound used in analysis as a precipitant for palladium or nickel.


二氯二氨络钯 dichlorodiamminopalladium

亚硫酸钯钾 potassium palladium sulfite

偶氮胂钯 palladiazo

氧化钯 palladium oxide

氯亚钯酸铵 ammonium chloropalladite

氯化钯 palladium chloride

氯钯酸铵 ammonium chloropalladate

硒钯矿 allopalladium

硝酸钯 palladium nitrate

硫化钯 palladium sulfide

碘化钯 palladium iodide

金钯铂合金 pallas

钯 palladium

钯合金 palladium alloy

钯扩散器 palladium diffuser

钯海绵 palladium sponge

钯石棉 palladium asbestos

钯离子比色法 palladium ion colorimetry

钯管 palladium tube

钯轴承合金 palladium bearing metal

钯金合金 palladium-gold

钯金水 liquid palladium gold

钯铜合金 palladium-copper palladium-copper alloy

钯银合金 palladium-silver

钯隔层检漏仪 palladium barrier leak detector

钯黑 palladium black

钴钯 copal

钴钯清漆 copal varnish

锑钯矿 stibiopalladinite

阿尔巴银钯合金 Alba alloy

