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案例的英文翻译 案例英文怎幺说 案例的英文例句




    case (law)

case [keis]


law [lɔ:]

    n.法律,诉讼,法学,法治,司法界,规律 v.对...起诉,控告 [军] Light Anti-Tank Weapon,轻型反坦克武器


我赛,这是案例分析题,不是概念题,网上搜的吧!I am surpassed this is case analysis problem not be notional problem of the search on the net!我再也不会做这种让人讨厌的比较失败案例的任务了-亚伯拉罕•林肯。I will not perform the ungrateful task of comparing cases of failure-abraham lincoln.现在学习一个案例,河西走廊,中国西北部典型的一个乾旱地区。A case study of the hexi corridor a typical arid area in nw china is presented.一名囚犯的癔病性昏迷案例。A case of hysterical stupor in a prisoner in detention.这个案例展示了各种不同样式的无序列表。This example demonstrates different types of unordered lists.这显然是个误认的案例。This is a clear case of mistaken identity eg when the wrong person is arrested by mistake.最高法院已经宣布了先占权案例中必须被考虑的各种各样的因素。The supreme court has set forth various factors which are to be considered in preemption cases.


工作案例 job case

指导性案例 ruling case

案例 case history

案例制度 case system

案例委员会 case committee

案例摘要 digest of cases

案例教学法 case-book method; case study method

案例教学法,案例研究法 case method

案例法 case law

案例研究 case study

案例研究学派 case study school

案例研究法 case method

案例讨论 discussion of cases

案例记录 case records; caserecords

案例调查 case work

综合案例研究 integrated case studies

自动测试案例 automated test case

评议案例 deliberate a case

问题案例 problem case

问题的案例 problem case

首要案例 leading case

