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安插的英文翻译 安插英文怎幺说 安插的英文例句




    to place in a certain position
    to assign to a job
    to plant

place [pleis]

    n.地方,地点,位置,职位,处境,住所,地位 vt.放置,寄予,任命 vi.名次列前

certain [sә:t(ә)n]

    adj.确定的,某一个,无疑的,必然的,可靠的 pron.某几个,某些

position [pә'ziʃ(ә)n]

    n.位置,职位,立场,形势,阵地 vt.安置,决定...的位置

assign [ә'sain]

    vt.分配,指派 v.赋值 [计] 将驱动器符重定向至第二个驱动器符


听众中安插了演讲人的支持者;他们使劲给他鼓掌。The speaker's supporters were planted in the audience and applauded loudly.警方在那团伙中安插了一名坐探。The police had planted a spy in the gang.侦探已安插在商店的各个角落Detectives were planted all over the store.员警在犯罪集团内部安插了眼线。"The police had planted an informer in the gang"五面怪安插巨型机器人于塞伯坦星上,以作骚扰。They set gigantic drone robots loose over the planet and then infest it with organic monsters.苏拉于西元前83年成为罗马的独裁者,他将自己的亲信都安插在元老院,削减了保民官的权力。Sulla packed the senate with his friends and curtailed the power of the tribunes.他用不正当手段把自己的弟弟安插在一个待遇优厚的职位上。He jobed his brother into a well-paid post.委员会里相当多的委员对他们敬而远之,知道没有适当的位置安插他们。The tidy committeemen regard them with horror knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them.我们可以按照字母顺序将新词条安插进去。We can slot in the new entry in alphabetical order.

