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耳语的英文翻译 耳语英文怎幺说 耳语的英文例句




    to whisper in sb's ear
    a whisper

whisper [wispә(r)]

    n.耳语,私语,密谈,谣传,飒飒的声音 vi.耳语,密谈,飒飒地响 vt.低声说

ear [iә(r)]

    n.耳朵,倾听,听觉,听力,穗 vi.抽穗


年轻白人在不同程度上讲一些克里奥耳语。The creole is spoken to varying degrees by young white people.瑞德漫步走到一个叫蒂姆。杨伯拉德的守卫跟前,小心的对着他耳语。Red saunters to a guard named tim youngblood mutters discreetly in his ear.他将爪子罩在嘴上,对身边的垂耳兔悄悄耳语。And cupping his paws around his mouth he whispered to the loppy eared rabbit next to him.他以一种听得见的耳语说话。He spoke in an audible whisper.她银铃般的声音渐渐低沉下来,成了耳语。Her silvery voice gradually sank to a whisper.他的声音降低成为耳语。His voice fell to a whisper.我妻子用有意让别人能听见的耳语说她很冷,意思是要他们把暖气开大点。My wife said she was cold in a stage whisper that was intended to make them turn the heating up.一种结合非洲话和洋泾滨英语为特色的独特克里欧耳语。A creole language featuring its unique blend of african tongues and pidgin english.姊妹俩相互耳语,当她们走过这地点的时候。The sisters whisper to each other when they pass this spot.


耳语测听法 whispered sound audiometry

耳语音 whispered pectoriloquy

