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[ān yíng]

    pitch a camp

pitch [pitʃ]

    n.程度,斜度,树脂,投掷,定调,(船只)前后颠簸,倾斜,沥青 vt.投,掷,向前倾跌,定位于,用沥青涂,扎营 vi.搭帐篷,投掷,坠落,倾斜

camp [kæmp]

    n.露营地,阵营 vi.露营,扎营


出13:20他们从疏割起行、在旷野边的以倘安营。Then they set out from succoth and camped in etham on the edge of the wilderness.从那里起行,安营在撒烈穀。From thence they removed and pitched in the valley of zared.从疏割起行,安营在旷野边的以倘。They left succoth and camped at etham on the edge of the desert.从亚门低比拉太音起行,安营在尼波对面的亚巴琳山里。They left almon diblathaim and camped in the mountains of abarim near nebo.民21:12从那里起行、安营在撒烈穀。From there they set out and camped in wadi zered.民33:5以色列人从兰塞起行、安营在疏割。Then the sons of israel journeyed from rameses and camped in succoth.乳腺细胞的基因在该卵子中安营扎寨,令其生长发育。The udder cell's genes took up residence in the egg and directed it to grow and develop.他们从疏割起行,在旷野边的以倘安营。After leaving succoth they camped at etham on the edge of the desert.以后百姓从哈洗录起行,在巴兰的旷野安营。And afterward the people removed from hazeroth and pitched in the wilderness of paran.以色列人起行,安营在阿伯。And the children of israel set forward and pitched in oboth.

