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安纳波利斯的英文翻译 安纳波利斯英文怎幺说 安纳波利斯的英文例句



[ān nà bō lì sī]

    Annapolis (place name)

annapolis [ә'næpәlis]


place [pleis]

    n.地方,地点,位置,职位,处境,住所,地位 vt.放置,寄予,任命 vi.名次列前

name [neim]

    n.名字,名称,姓名,名誉 vt.命名,提名,叫出,指定 adj.姓名的,据以取名的


安纳波利斯,莫斯塔:我记得这幺着迷婚礼和收看现场直播。Annapolis md.: I remember being so enthralled with the wedding and watching it live on television.很好。你们怎幺去印弟安纳波里斯?That's do you travel to indianapolis?事实上,我能搞到安纳波利斯每个海军下级生的email位址Actually I was able to get the email addresses of every plebe at annapolis.谁说印弟安纳波里斯无聊来着?Who said things were dull in indianapolis?他和韦伯在安纳波利斯是同学He and web were in the same class at annapolis.她现在在印弟安纳波里斯接受治疗Now she's at sacred heart in indianapolis.我们从印弟安纳波里斯法院为您发回报道We're back reporting live from the indianapolis courthouse我们刚刚从印弟安纳波里斯的中心附属办公室收到这个We just received these from our satellite office in indianapolis.长官,安纳波利斯的纬度是北纬38。58Sir the latitude of annapolis is38.58? North.这是我第3次来印弟安纳波里斯This is the third time I've been to indianapolis.週二的谈判安排在位于马里兰州首府安纳波利斯的美国海军军官学院。Tuesday's negotiations are scheduled at the us naval academy in the annapolis maryland.週二的谈判定于马里兰州安纳波利斯的美国海军军官学院。Tuesday's negotiations are scheduled at the us naval academy in annapolis maryland.同样给人深刻印象的是宝石青、印弟安纳波里斯红色和银灰色。Just as impressive are alpine white iii matt black sapphire metallic and silver grey metallic.

