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    Eucalyptus globulus

eucalyptus [ju:kә'liptәs]



它们从少数几种桉树中挑选它们的大多数食物。They choose most of their food from a few kinds of eucalyptus trees.她的脑海里飞速地闪过许多治疗感冒的方法,包括滚烫的桉树油。She remembered faster than lightning many a cold-remedy including steaming eucalyptus oil.头上的桉树叶在呼呼的风中摇晃着。Eucalyptus leaves twirled above her head in the whistling breeze.下午金色的阳光照射在高大的桉树上。Golden shafts of afternoon light shone through the tall eucalyptus trees.一种小型澳洲油桉,树干下端是粗糙的深色树皮,出产一种红色的吉纳紫檀。Small mallee with rough dark-colored bark toward the butt yielding a red eucalyptus kino.有杂色树皮的大型桉树。Large gum tree with mottled bark.


大叶桉片 Eucalyptus robusta slice

天然桉叶油 eucalyptus oil,natural natural eucalyptus oil

小叶桉片 Eucalyptus tereticornis slice

柠檬桉油 citriodora oil eucalyptus citriodora oil lemon gum oil

桉叶油 eucalyptus oil

桉叶油素 cineole

桉叶糖 throat smoothing candy

桉叶脑 eucalyptol

桉叶醇 eucalyptol

桉天牛醇 phoracanthol桉天牛醇

桉树胶 kino gum

桉油 oleum eucalypti

桉油素 cineole

桉苯硫脲 thiosemicardasone

