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俺的英文翻译 俺英文怎幺说 俺的英文例句



    I (northern dialects)


    pers pron 人称代词 (used as the subject of a v 用作动词的主体) person who is the speaker or writer 我(说话者或写作者称自己): I think I'd like a bath. 我想洗个澡. * When he asked me to marry him I said yes. 他向我求婚, 我答应了. Cf 参看 me

northern [nɔ:ðәn]



今儿过晌儿,俺爹坐在大马车里,出那样的洋相,他那是怎幺啦?Had it anything to do with father's making such a moment of himself in carriage this afternoon?思嘉小姐,俺想它们还在那里的。Ah specs dey's right dar.“俺没看见米德太太。"Ah din'see miss meade.“思嘉小姐,俺要是上一家酒吧间或妻子家去了,俺妈会拿棉花秆抽俺呢。”"Miss scarlett maw would weah me out wid a cotton stalk did ah go in a bahroom or a ho'house."俺爸是个农民。My father is a peasant.俺是来给白人先生挖沟的,好让他们躲避北方佬。“Us is ter dig de ditches fer de wite gempmums ter hide in w'en de yankees comes. "佛罗里达俺西印度群岛的卵形的桔黄色的粉状甜的水果。Ovoid orange-yellow mealy sweet fruit of florida and west indies.思嘉小姐他们会怎样对待俺妈呢?“Whut'll dey do ter maw? "在俺成年并永远离开矮人坑道之前从未见过一棵树,可俺知道他们是邪恶的。I ne'er saw one'til I be a man leavin'the dwarven tunnels fer good but I know they be evil.

