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    surname An

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼

an [әn]

    art.一(在母音字母前代替不定代词a) [域] Netherlands Antilles ,荷兰属地


【安东尼奥。马林。蒙代罗是西班牙最顶级的吉他製作家之一。】Antonio marin montero is the one of the leading guitar makers in spain.【安东尼奥。马林。蒙特罗对他来说就是这样一位朋友,曾经给了他许多有益的建议。】Antonio marin montero is one such friend he acknowledges who has given him valuable advice.…安妮和斯科特的神圣婚姻... Of annie and scott in holy matrimony.14我必使巴忒罗荒凉,使火在琐安起,向挪施行审判。And I will make pathros desolate and set fire to zoan and execute judgments on thebes.15日将在圣约瑟教堂为他举行安魂弥撒。There will be a requiem mass for him at st joseph's church on the15th.


一元主义保安处分理论 monism measure of safety

一般安全 Generally Recognized as Safe

一路平安 bond bon voyage

丁萘酮心安 Bunolol

丁萘酮心安 Bunolol

三唑氯安定 estazolam

三层安全玻璃 n. triplex safety glass

三层式安全玻璃 n. triplex safety glass

三英尺安全线 three feet line

不动产相邻安静权 realty neighbor''s right to peace

不安 abash at; be in a flap; get into a flap

不安全 unsafe

不安全动作 unsafe act

不安全复位 unsafe reset

不安全感 insecurity

不安全条件 unsafe condition

不安全泊位 foul berth

不安全温度 unsafe temperature

不安全用益权 imperfect usufruct

不安地咬嚼子 champ at the bit

不安定 unease

不安定因素 destabilizing factor

不安指数 discomfort index

不安的 uneasy; yeasty

不扰乱治安 keep the peace; kept the peace

不正确安装 improper installation

不起作用的安慰 cold comfort

专业安全人员 professional safety personnel

专用安全模式 dedicated security mode

专营安排 exclusive dealing arrangements

